Saturday, October 2, 2010


The anatomical and physiological characteristics of the left brain are clearly related to the functionality of thinking that makes this half brain. Their journeys are relatively short neuronal. Thus, this brain is characterized by analytical, calculating, thoughtful, very logical, rational and sequential.

In turn, the right brain's neural paths are longer, allowing connections to more remote areas by allowing the option of generating opportunities and disparate concepts as his colleague, the left brain. It is the brain of love (Yes, love goes through the brain ... the brain does not measure, does not compute), feelings, imagination, dreaming is the brain.

Is holistic and therefore it is expected synthesis processes and integrating conceptualizations. It is the brain's inner world. The brain of creativity is the portion corresponding to the right half of the brain.

But beware, in any way we neglect the qualities that makes the left hemisphere. Since the hemispheres are constantly fed back, drawing on each other, and vice versa, through the corpus callosum of the brain, effective Communication Bridge is truly meaningful to have always on the two brains. Since the logic is always going to need creativity and logic is also to design successful products and services, to establish clear communication policies based on the audience who is to access and more. There is never much more than simply to do things.
uses logic detail oriented facts rule words and language present and past math and science can comprehend knowing acknowledges order/pattern perception  knows object name reality based forms strategies practical
RIGHT BRAIN FUNCTIONS uses feeling "big picture" oriented imagination rules symbols and images.



  1. I like the information you placed are explicit and it is true what is said and I also seemed to complete the information on cases with known figures :) like your blog very nice

  2. :O i like your blog because the colors are very nice! and is good because for that thing many people continue reading, and the information thats interesting,and is true

  3. the information is very good and interesting

  4. Jessy I like your blog, is very colorful and the information it pleases much to me. I like the image of the book that this underneath the brain.
    Excellent Jessy.

  5. Leonardo da Vinci is a person I admired and much, these people are artists who have come to inspire so many people are leaving their mark on history and that's what I think.
